The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

After leaving PSU I served on the faculty of Texas A&I University in Kingsville for 6 years, then as a Research Scientist with the Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute there for another 6 years. From 1987-93 I was head of the Wildlife and Fisheries Department at Mississippi State University. From 1993-2006 I held the same position at Texas A&M, in addition to being Director of their Institute of Renewable Natural Resources. Since 2006 I have been Dean of the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University. Along the way, I have served as President of The Wildlife Society and as an officer of several other conservation and academic organizations, as well as many years as an adult Boy Scout leader. I retired from the Marine Corps Reserve as a Lt.Col. in 1993, having served in Vietnam and Desert Storm. My wife Regan, a nurse practitioner, and I have three grown and married sons. We enjoy hiking and kayaking, and look forward to retirement soon.